Thursday 3 November 2011

Join me on FB and new name!

Yup, finally decided to separate my mates from my spiritual life. So I have started a dedicated FB page to spread out and meet more Sri Vaishnavas from around the world. So please join me at MY NEW FB PAGE

You may also notice that there has been a name change as I have finally received a Sanskrit name. Keeping my name for spiritual purposes was ok, but when I took my samashrayanam I was reborn spiritually and for this purpose I have accepted the name Yathavan based upon my jyotish chart.

Yathavan is a name of Vishnu and means "One who possesses what is right, proper and correct" i.e. one who has those qualities.

I would also like to thank Krishnachandraji :D

Adiyen Yathavan Ramanuja Dasan

Thursday 13 October 2011

Back to the mundane.

Well here it is, nearly a fortnight later and the itching of my healing brands give a constant reminder of what happened.

HH Swamiji said many profound things that day, one could only expect in such a momentous occasion. The one that sticks out for me was what he said in the very beginning. I do not speak telugu, but an older lady receiving the panchasamskarams with us motioned towards me and said something to Swamiji. Given the tone and the fact he said my name a couple of times I imagined that she asked why I was there. She didn't seem to be protesting, but you could tell the was concerned. After speaking with her Swamiji continued and addressed us all in English and said (I'm paraphrasing): That all of us, no matter what colour, caste, or origin of birth are all gods children and viewed equally by God as such. And he will accept anyone who comes to him.

He also spoke on "Hinduism". He explained, as we all know that Hinduism is a made up word with no real definition, and in the sense that it covers a group of people and area, this area is so small compared to the rest of the world. He said that today we are not Hindu's, but those who surrender to the feet of Vishnu and thus Sri Vaishnavas. So from now on, I will never refer to myself as a "Hindu" as I am not, I AM A SRI VAISHNAVA! The colour of my skin, my name and where I am from HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MY JIVA as HH Swamiji states. When the body dies so does colour, nationality and name.

This leads me to my last reflection. During the naming section of the ceremony, I was thinking I was going to get some kick arse Vedic name attached to my Ramanuja Dasa form. Instead Swamiji said Jason is a good name, no need for us to change our names, the name we have came with the body, our parents named us this and there is no need for us to change it. So as you see, there is no reason for us westerners to only take as much of Indian culture than is necessary to uphold our sadhana.

Anyway, I'm now getting settled in to my new place and spiritual path and the last two weeks has been wonderful.

Lastly, I must thank my two Vadakalai friends who have sent me reading materials via email and given me the best support possible. Haresh especially has been my pillar and the person whom I can only thank so much for directing me towards the Sri Sampradaya. I also have a couple of light articles by him I will be reproducing here on my blog to help give more educational information and history as I progress.

Adiyen Ramanuja Dasa

Sunday 2 October 2011

My new life starts today

Jai Srimannarayana!

Today at approximately 10:00 central time I received my pancha samskarams into the Sri Vaisnava Sampradaya. What a day it has been and well worth the 8 hour trip by car to meet HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji. After it was over one of the Jet representatives asked for my name, number and email address and I could barely write. In fact I could barely talk and the gentleman said breathe, it's fine LOL

I am now going to go and let it all soak in, a very memorable day.

Adiyen Jason Ramanuja Dasa

Saturday 3 September 2011


Hey everyone!

As you can see the coming samskarams has me excited and thus taking a little time in between my preparations to move to write what's on my mind.

Of the five initiations or rites, Sri Karalappakam Anantha Padhmanabhan writes in his excellent treatise on Samashrayanam that the most important is the fourth section or Mantram Samskaram. Tonight I was putting things up on youtube to listen to as I did my things and one that I played was the Dvayam Mantram. This is one of the mantras I will receive. Listening to it, it's beauty is as alluring as the most beautiful flower who's nectar overflows.

The Dvayam Mantram is described as the Gem among mantras and listing to how the words are strung together and the vibrations is produces (not to sound like a new age hippie) certainly has a power on its own. Sri Karalappakam Anantha Padhmanabhan says of the mantram:

"Dvaya Mantram consists of two lines... This helps one to perform SaranAgati unto Sriman NArAyanA. Once this mantrA is initiated by the AchAryA, it should be recited constantly within ourselves. It can be recited by the sishyA without bothering about time, place etc. Infact Dvayam should be dancing in the lips of all the SriVaishnavAs all the time. It is infact an instruction from BhagavAn Ramanuja that Dvayam should be chanted for maximum time possible.

Please, hit play and close your eyes and listen and then feel. How the whole world is not falling to the lotus feet of the Lord is beyond me, enjoy.

Friday 2 September 2011

Wednesday 31 August 2011

Wow what a community!

I must say since my move to the Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya, I thought I might have to roll with the punches, wait and wait and then prolly not found what I was looking for, as with the Ramanandi's. While trying to break into the Ramanandi Sampradaya, I met some really great people and quite blessed to know them.

My post today though is to say the people at HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji's JET are bloody amazing! I am moving from Seattle to Indiana for work and stopping in Chicago on my way to receive Samasrayanam with Swamiji. I have been afraid that due to my economic situation that I could not do this. Hotel rooms and the like are expensive and would be in a town where I would not have transportation nor know how to get there if I had. They have been working with me including helping me with setting up lodging and a way to the events. I am blown away at their hospitality and good will towards this ol' avarnic mleccha dog-eatter ;)

I strongly urge anyone with a leaning toward Ramanuja's Sri Sampradaya to come to this group with me. I am amazed at how open, warm and welcoming they have been. Whether I am talking to representatives of JET from NJ, DC or Il. they are all brilliant.

Well in a month I will have my panchasamskarams and this blog will certainly a lot more interesting I assure you, and I hope to have pics as well. Until then please bear with me as I get moved.

Monday 4 July 2011

1 Year Blog Anniversary

OK, so it's a couple of days early, but hey!

So along with a new layout and design I have some big plans. Up until now the blog has reflected fairly random topics that at the time I thought were important, at least important to me at the particular time, Some of these posts have/will be removed and a new focus implemented. I am planning on having some guest posters to give a little different view on things as well as provide more resources. As you see I have started to add pages and hope to feel these up with some great links to Sri Vaishnava Sampradaya related sites. I will try my best from now on to stay away from "controversial" topics or random thoughts. Then again I am nothing but one random thought so we shall see where that goes!

K to tha O and Danda :D

Saturday 4 June 2011

Western Hindu's coming together via Internet

I love the fact that what started as one lone blog of an Englishman in his quest to not only feel along his path but to help others has spawned quite a few other blogs along with this one. I think it is great we can have a community that helps to reinforce and help us each along in our journeys. We each have different paths, traditions and our own ideas about God but we pool together and help each other with words of advice and encouragement.

If you are a westerner that reads these blogs, please start your own blog or take an active part in our blogs with your own take and feelings on the subject. The larger our community becomes the easier it will be for others trying to feel through this maze we call Sanatana Dharma and be less likely to walk away discouraged from the endless possibilities. We all have an opportunity to help our community grow, be recognised as a movement that is not only solid in our sadhana, but a community that is here to stay.

For the Native Hindus that have taken part in our blogs, thank you, your knowledge and wisdom has been a god send to all of us and your input is highly valued. I know for me with out the help, support and input of Sita, Ella and Haresh I might not still be here. I know I would still be following my Dharma, but not here on the internet to help others that are interested in devotion to Sri Rama or interested in other paths by linking to other western follows of the other paths open to us.

To everyone in our community and to everyone that has taken part, made posts and given your thoughts on the topics we think important to ourselves at this point, THANK YOU! I love you all.
